AR Smartplate
AR app running on iPads to present food items in 3D coming from sustainable production
AR app running on iPads to present food items in 3D coming from sustainable production
The Planet Budapest Sustainable Expo was held at the beginning of December 2021 at Hungexpo, the fair site of the Hungarian capital. The purpose of the event was to raise the attention of the adverse effects of our environmental, social and economical activity and show that these negative trends, risking the future of Earth are still reversible. We’ve developed VR and AR solutions to help visitors – especially the younger generations who really expected new technologies – to understand the trends, symptoms and what can be done to avoid a bad outcome. One of our immersive interactive visualization application was an AR one running on iPad Pro’s and showing animated 3D food items on a giant plate. Ten different, scaled up 3D dish was appearing with different – mostly falling down – animations and can be explored from any direction or distance. We’re especially proud of the quality of the individual models which really looks like a real one, the baking of the bread or the fry of the fish makes you almost want to eat them. Hotspots were also added to explain the importance of the products appearing, which are the following ones