Don’t text and drive
VR simulator to show the dangers of mobile use while driving
VR simulator to show the dangers of mobile use while driving
We developed this car driving simulator for Aegon Insurance company (based on the idea of Uniomedia).
Thanks to our solution, anyone can experience the dangers of texting while driving – without the risk of injuries.
The driver sits into the simulator, puts on the HTC Vive VR HMDs, and has to drive a virtual car through a city – while s/he sees a mobile phone attached to a cantilever, next to the steering wheel. From time to time, this mobile phone alerts the driver with messages, that s/he has to answer – while tackling with traffic situations, such as dodging road constructions, avoiding a crash with other cars, and so on.
In reality, these challenging situations can only be solved, if the driver concentrates fully on the road – without gazing at his phone.
VR Simulators like that, provides a perfect solution for training people on different grounds (work safety, fire safety, machine handling etc) without the risk of injury, in a cost effective manner.