10 Mobile Innovation Trends To Watch This Year


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2015 was such an exciting, transformational year for every aspect of mobile, you’d be forgiven for asking “how much more can it rise?” Well, read on as we share our thoughts on the drivers and trends that will make this year, the official Year of Mobile.

(NB: Look out for links to case studies and support content, throughout!)

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9 ways mobile and social tech improves the retail shopping experience

Original article

Retail and e-commerce experts share their tips on how malls and stores can enhance the in-store shopping experience with mobile and social media technology.

(This an excellent retail check list for effective mobile engagement.)

With the continued growth of ecommerce and in-store comparison-shopping via mobile devices, it’s become harder for many bricks-and-mortar retailers to get customers to make on-the-spot purchases. However, instead of seeing mobile and e-commerce as a threat, some savvy retailers have embraced the adage “if you can’t beat them, join them.”

So how are these bricks-and-mortar retailers using mobile and social apps to their advantage – and what can you do to keep consumers from going elsewhere to shop? Follow these nine suggestions to make the sale.

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