ARworks Virtual Reality Solutions

Have you connected your brand with the power of Virtual Reality?

ARworks is dedicated to connecting brands and businesses of  every sector,  to the incredible power of Virtual Reality. So whether you want to Discover VR ideas, Develop an existing VR concept, or  Manage a VR experience you already have, then we’re here to help.

Send us a quick email using the form below to arrange a introduction call or VR Discovery session with our team

Virtual Reality made simple

vr viewer

1. A VR experience or story, is created using photography, video or 3D content, with audio added to enhance the experience.
2. Once the experience has been created, it’s packaged into an App using VR technology.
3. That App is then downloaded onto a smart phone, iOS or Android, by your customers.
4. In its basic version, the content can then be enjoyed on the phone’s full screen. But for the real Virtual experience, the smart phone is placed into a VR viewer.  Either a professional one (Samsung or Zeiss) or a simple one, like our own ARworks Glance VR Viewer. Then,  you can take your customers into worlds they’ve never dreamed of.
5.  The VR content always plays on the screen of the smart phone, with the viewer creating the 360 immersive experience, changing and turning it as the user moves their head, making them feel as if they are actually in the scene.
And that’s it. You write and create your VR brand story;  process it in a VR app, download it to a smart phone and then view it through a VR viewer. What are you waiting for?

But what about your business? Consider…

Is it right for my Brand?


Brands from every sector are exploring and investing in Virtual Reality, today.

Why? Because the possibilities and potential benefits Virtual Realty can deliver for your brand are unprecedented:

1. Experience: never before have you been able to actually ‘put’ people in your brand, or brand experience.

2. Immersion: You can immerse people in your brand story, and deliver you brand experience in a way that genuinely ‘involves’ your audience, at a deep, sensory level.

3. Interactivity It takes product interactivity, trial, experience, simulation to very powerful new levels.

How do I use it?

Ever case is different, and we’ll start by helping you understand how to use VR in a way that is most commercially relevant and powerful for your brand. But here are the following main ways brands are using VR, today:

1. Product launches and experiences at exhibitions. Particularly for products that don’t travel well.

2. Travel and destination tours and experiences.

3. Real estate and destination development showcasing.

4. Medical animations and procedural “how to” demonstration videos.

5. Brand immersion, gaming, story telling and consumer interaction.

How do I start?

Whatever stage you are at with Virtual Reality, ARworks is here to  help. We work with our clients in three ways:

1. Discover:  Through our VR Workshop, you will understand the technology, the production process and  how to plan/use it for your brand, or as an extension of an up and coming campaign, event or exhibition.

2. Develop:  Use our technical and strategic knowledge to assess, validate, shape and develop a Virtual Reality opportunity you have already identified.

3. Manage: Brief us directly to manage and produce a VR experience that you have already agreed on for your brand.

To get started, please fill out the contact form below and we’ll be touch straight away.

Have a look at some our recent VR case studies


Our case study for Kinder Bueno

kinder virtual reality

Click here to see our 360 degree pano App and VR experience for Kinder Bueno

Our recent case study for Atlantis The Palm

atlantis virtual reality

We prepared a unique and spectacular 360 panoramic video application using Virtual Reality for one of world’s most famous hotel. for the Atlantis, the Palm in Dubai. Click to read the case study.

Ready? Send us a quick email using the form below to arrange a introduction call or VR Discovery session with our team